Thursday, February 19, 2009


So, after all that...
Some asshole at the hostel, who seemed well educated, had a little "discussion" with me about our beleifs re: Israel's foreign policy... it made me want to go back and work at StopTheWall (they told me I could back in a week if I felt like it). This fucker, from Detroit but living in LA, was saying that the West Bank was Israel's, and that Israel should force all Palestinians in the West Bank out, and that they would be absorbed into Jordan. Blatant racism, to be expected.

1 comment:

  1. Hey dude, you seemed quite uncertain about working for stopthewall. In my view, there is no reason to let some shithead from Detroit get to you. Fuck him! Stopthewall and the dickhead from Detroit appear to hold some strong ideological beliefs, maybe fanatical from what you write. You are well aware of where you are and the tensions and volatility that surround you. You've met some nuts on the political spectrum. Learn from the experiences these fringe elements provide. There's no need to join them (unless you want to). You are a passionate and pragmatic person. There must be some organizations in the region that appeal to you. Anyway, I'm glad to hear that you are safe and having some fun. Explore and enjoy!
